XeX PauseMenu
Docs needed to run script on any ESX / QB server
Last updated
Docs needed to run script on any ESX / QB server
Last updated
1º Add the xex_pausemenu folder to your resources and initialize it on server.cfg.
start xex_pausemenu
1º Make sure to select your framework Config.Framework
2º Configure config.lua with your desired options:
Config.Framework = 'esx' -- esx / qb
Config.ShowName = true
Config.ShowMoney = true
Config.ShowJob = true
Config.ShowOnlinePlayers = true
Config.ShowPoliceCount = true
Config.ServerLogo = 'img/logo.png' -- use nil to disable
Config.LeaveMessage = ''
Config.EnableReportSystem = true
Config.HideMinimapWhenOpeningMenu = false
Config.CheckForUpdates = true
3º Configure svconfig.lua with you optional Discord webhook.
The menu comes with 1 preconfigured template as index.html + style.css, but it has 3 more configurations in index_layout1.html and style_layout1.css, index_layout2.html and style_layout2.css, index_layout3.html and style_layout3.css.
To change between the layouts, just replace the current index.html and style.css with one of the templates. Any problem go to Discord and we will solve it.
If you want to add a new template, you can start from whatever you want and distribute the links as you prefer.
Within the index.html, change the image of each button mapping to images located on web/img folder:
Within the JS, change the link for each ID you need:
For this you will need some knowledge in CSS and editing the style.css file. Each button has IDs that you can access to change the background color, add new button types, etc...!
Access Discord and contact us to receive the necessary support.