Pilot Job
Step by step installation guide for ESX and QB, common issues & solutions, troubleshooting guide, code snippets, changelog.
Add xex_lootbox folder to your resources folder and start it.
All the configuration can be done in the file config.lua and locales.lua.
Make sure to select your framework in the configuration file.
Owned Vehicles
Now you can choose whether to do the missions with your own vehicle, or by renting one that spawns from the menu. If you choose to use your own vehicles, you only have to adjust the point to launch the menu and go there with a helicopter or plane. License restrictions will not work for the momentwith this option.
Adding new passenger missions
When creating a new passenger mission, you must have at least 2 points. The point where we pick them up, and the point where we leave them.
Every time we want to pick up passengers at a point we must place this extract in its handler of the config.lua file:
The next mandatory point will be the collection:
Now you can close the mission with a message, or concatenate several transports in a row:
Take more passengers:
Or end:
Adding new rescue missions
The rescue missions are easier to configure, they follow the same procedure but we only need to mark the coordinates of the injured ped:
And then drop it:
Here you can finish the mission, take it to another point to finish or customize it.
Using helicopter model from video
You should change rescue vehicle to 'uh1forest' on Config.VehicleModels.
Vehicle files: https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/us-forest-service-uh-1h-add-on
Last updated