Medical Help
Step by step installation guide for ESX and QB, common issues & solutions, troubleshooting guide, code snippets, changelog.
Last updated
Step by step installation guide for ESX and QB, common issues & solutions, troubleshooting guide, code snippets, changelog.
Last updated
Heal or revive people on your server without having EMS available and enable /carry command in case you don't already have it.
1ΒΊ Add the xex_medicalhelp folder to your resources and initialize it in your server.cfg.
start xex_medicalhelp
pointType: The allowed point types are 'heal' or 'revive'. This will depend on how you interact with the selected ped.
maxEMS: Maximum EMS allowed to be able to use the point.
Cost: Cost of use.
NPCPed: ped model for this point (View Ped models list).
whitelistedJobs: Jobs that can access the point.
It is necessary to be able to transport the wounded with the carry animation in order to bring them to the point. If you already have one integrated into your server, leave this option false.