Step by step installation guide for ESX and QB, common issues & solutions, troubleshooting guide, code snippets, changelog.


1ΒΊ Add the xex_eas folder to your resources and initialize it in your server.cfg.

start xex_eas


General Options

  • Hooks: Select your webhook URL and fill options as you need.

  • Updates: Decide to check or not for updates

  • Framework: Available 'esx' or 'qb'

  • Language: Select your language (es and en included)

Alert configuration:

Each alert can have the number of zones that are needed, and each of them must have the identifier field, its path to the image inside the /img folder and its minimum grade to be able to be changed (0 = no restriction).


The zones are modifiable and are based on the native GTA zone system. You can see all the zones here. When the user passes over a declared zone, it shows the alert level for that zone based on what we have stored.


After each reboot all the zones start from the one we have configured by default. From there we can change the alert if we have the job enabled for it. To change an alert we will use /eas or the command that we have configured by default.

Use /toggleeas to hide alerts.

Last updated